Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Meditations between Levitations(Or ramblings of my mind while I wait for my next flight to board) :P

Funny how things change, isn't it? In August, I loathed all things school-related, but now that I have a whole summer ahead of me without any of my friends or any teenagers I find myself dreaming of the study and classrooms. I've been sitting here feeling lost because I don't have any homework to work on. What's really bad is the fact that I have plans for how to keep myself "academically occupied"(nerdiness prevails once again). I plan to buy the Rosetta Stone program for learning Spanish so that I can test out of Spanish I next semester. I want to take Greek, so I wnat to get Spanish out of the way so I can focus on learning Greek. I love languages, and I took two years of Spanish in high school, so it's a simple matter of reveiwing everything I've forgotten due to not having anyone to speak Spanish with. I would also like to take Music theory next semester, which means I need to start playing piano again.
Secondly, it's funny how places change too. My mom told me earlier today that one of the most essential families in our church is moving away. They don't really want to, of course, but he hasn't been able to find employment for the last two months. They have three little girls 6, 5 and 2--I remember when the oldest was a newborn! since I've been away the littlest one has forgotten me, but she was my favorite baby in the church. There are a few new faces many people that have become a part of our church family while I have been missing so much at college(how awful is it to be jealous that new people are being loved by your church family? I'm not really jealous, but I feel bad that I have not been a part of anything at my church for so long).
(Now I'm home and it's after Wednesday night church)
And last of all, it's funny how people change--some of the men in my churhc seem to have a lot more gray hair than they used to, and the kids are getting so big. The "babies" are walking, the "little ones" are starting kindergarten, and my sister is starting high school! Some of the kids are so tall now, and some of them are old enough to go to youth conference in OKC this summer!!!
Well, this has been one rambling and rather sentimental post, so I'll stop all my peeps in Oklahoma and abroad, I miss you guys, so keep in touch okay? Later gators!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Choir Tour

(Sorry this post is so late. I started it the day after we got back and have finally finished it just now. Yeah, I'm lame, I know.)
This past week has been one of the most interesting of my life. The college choir went out to Navajo reservations in New Mexico to sing at various churches. Many of the girls had never been so far out in the country before--some of the churches had no running water or electricity. Several experienced that milestone of using an outhouse for the first time(cue groan and eye roll).

The geography of New Mexico is unlike anything I have seen--it is wonderful and terrible at the same time. Wonderful, unique rock formations, twisted trees, endless blue sky, winding ditches, glassy-smooth plains, and rippling sand; terrible scorching sun, swirling dust clouds, a land with only a single river winding through its vast plains. I didn't want to leave, but at the same time I couldn't see the beauty of the place. I have never had such an odd, mixed-up feeling about a place. I loved the people--that's what could keep me there. I don't feel any particular calling to the Navajo people, but I would still like to go back there and see those churches again.

This was a wonderful choir tour--I heard one of the junior girls say that she felt it was her best choir tour so far. We all had an opportunity to ride a horse, which was exciting and scary...all the first timers did an excellent job and caught on very quickly. Friday we went to Carlsbad Caverns, a magnificent cave--one of the most fantastic things I have ever had the privilege to see. For about half a day I had a wild but probable(in my mind at the time) dream of becoming a caveologist. I have no idea if that's what they're called but who's asking? Okay fine, I dreamed of being a spelunker(one who goes diving in caves)....proof that I still have no direction in my life whatsoever(sarcasm).

Anyways...I had a very good time getting to know some of the girls better, especially the home students who sometimes seem a little out of the loop. One of the girls started a joke about being lost in the desert so we took pictures of different people in "dead wanderer" positions with "DAY 1" and so forth written beside them in the sand or spelled out with rocks. Lindsay is working on a power point of choir tour, so when I get it, I'll try to put it up.
School will be out soon, and I am going to miss everyone sooooooo much! I'm going to have to print off a bunch of pics and something along the lines of an OBC shrine on my bedroom wall at home. On a slightly less creepy note....Finals have now begun and note to self--never try to memorize eight pages of notes at two in the morning after your caffeine buzz has worn off. Pretty sure the colours were not flying on that test. :P

Last, just a few pics of my "homies", as Christina S. would say.

Andrea, Emily, me and Vanessa
Emily and I
Lindsay Larson and I
Lindsay L, Andrea, Mandy and I

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break

Ahhhhhhh spring -the magical time of year when a young man's fancy turns to love.........0_0 idea what that quote has to do with this post--ANYWAYS.......

So Spring Break just ended and I accomplished nothing that week...except that I added Wisconsin to my list of "States That I Have Visited." Emily C. and I spent the week at Jana's house in Madison. Besides sleeping in til 10:30 every morning, other activities included: walking the dog, taking pictures at the park, and cooking Peruvian food(and fumigating the house with garlic in the process). Basically, we had a good time together--the three of us don't often have the chance just to hang out. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010